Minutes of held on 26th November 2024 @ 7.00pm at Peckforton & Beeston Village Rooms

Present:- Mike Harrison Chair (MH), Rachel Thirlwall (RT), (DW) Andrew Evans (AE), Tom Platt (TP) Andrew Haydock (AH), David Stewart (DS) Mrs Helen Exley (The Clerk), Daphne Weedall (Vice Chair)

Parish members: none present.

Point Agenda point Raised By Action Due Date
1. Apologies: Mike Jones (MJ) Ward Councillor   Clerk N/A 26/11/24
2. Declaration of Councillors interests & Code of Conduct:

RT – School Transport (point 16)

 Chair All Cllrs 26/11/24
3. Approval of Minutes & Outstanding Matters:-

Please see attached checklist for outstanding matters:-

Minutes of Ordinary meeting held on 10/09/24 were proposed as correct by TP and seconded by AH




All Cllrs 26/11/24
4. Open Forum:-

No members of the public were present

Public   Chair


5. PSCO  Rachael McKevitt  :- update on police matters in the area

Not present. 

Chair N/A 26/11/24
6. Ward Councillor Update:- 

Not present.

Chair N/A 26/11/24
7. Beeston & Tarporley Station re-opening:-

E mails received from Chris Wilcox. Not much happened since last communication. Chair of opening group has spoken to Network  Rail & Dept of Transport have said that they are behind the project.  CWAC are not wholly behind the project. Interest in the land above old coal yard, where there is an option, which may mean that there could be an application for development once the station reopening progresses further..

Chair N/A ongoing
8. Wild Boar:-

E mail received from the developer with update-

·         Works are progressing well

·         Structural repairs to masonry elements of existing buildings are ongoing to be completed by January 2025

·         Superstructure work to commence in January under tented scaffolding, including installation of new roof & external repairs

·         Original timber frame structure requires extensive renovation. These works will take approx. 10 months

·         New build works are progressing well & envisage plot 1 will be open Easter 2025

·         Further new build plots (5 to 12) to start January 2025


Chair Chair ongoing
9. Cattle Market Development:-

No further update from developers.

MH reminded CW&C Highways that there has been no further progress with SIDS that the developers will fund.

Chair Chair ongoing
10. Planning Matters:_

Current applications

24/02887/CAT – Beeston Castle – Tree felling & crown reduction as per survey.

24/02541/FUL – Keepers Cottage, Horsley Lane, removal of existing conservatory and erection of rear & side extension.

24/02722/FUL – Keepers Cottage Horsley Lane-, extension to outbuildings.  The meeting discussed the application and agreed that proposed works were not in keeping with the dwelling or area.  MH t oadvise the planning Dept accordingly.

Past applications

24/02149/LBC-Beeston Castle Replace two 19thC doors accessing gateway arch with compliant fire doors – approved

24/00140/DIS -Renards Whitchurch Road Beeston  Discharge of Conditions 3 (Materials) 9 (Lighting) 12 (CEMP) 13 (Contaminated Land) 14 (Drainage) 15 (Landscaping) and 16 (Ecology) of 22/04676/FUL A/D

23/04018/FUL-Lower Rock Farm Tattenhall Lane – Proposed formation of a disabled entrance and porch to existing holiday let cottage A/D

22/04583/DIS – Beeston Castle Auction – discharge of conds on planning 13/04149/OUT-A/D

22/00453/LBC – Yew Tree Farm, Moss Lane, conversion of redundant building into residential – A/D

21/02945/FUL – Mill Farm, Whitchurch Rd, CW6 9NJ – conversion of outbuilding to domestic annexe A/D

AE commented on the work taking place at Smithy Cottage – is permission required to carry out?  MH to check application & if appropriate will write to enforcement officer to check on application.


Chair Chair ongoing
11. Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2030 Review

AH stated that Tiverton PC are keen to pick up the plan with BPC as a joint venture.  BPC Plan is at least 5 years old – a lot of change since then. A joint group needs to be formed to take the project forward.  TPC will discuss at their next PC meeting in January.  BPC would like to revisit existing plan and re model it.

Recommended that the plan be reactivated highlighting the possibility of the station reopening. Plan needs re-writing and then send out for consultation to residents. MH will review procedures with CW&C staff

Chair MH ongoing
12. Lake Vyrnwy Aqueduct Maintenance works update:-

DW concerned about the UU road surfaces laid in the field for access to repairs.  UU have suggested that owners need planning permission to keep these surfaces & additional fencing.

Lake Vyrnwy Aqueduct Maintenance works update

Works are moving up the line. No imminent impact within the Parish

Chair Chair ongoing
13. United Utilities Parish legacy projectupdate


MH still trying to get funding for the stiles to be changed to gates – 18 are required.  Permission needs to be given by the landowners for completion.  MH has written to UU asking for all 18 to be replaced. £9,500 required to complete the project.  Need to look at which footpaths are the most essential to be upgraded in case full cost is not awarded.

Thank you to Lorna Harrison for walking all the footpaths and reviewing them.  A complete photographic record has been completed and sent to the Footpath Officer

Chair Chair ongoing
14. Highways:-

Beeston Speeding on A49:

SID not progressed yet due to being held up by Highways.

Speed limit signs Moss Lane – damage/removal:-

Repeater Signs have been sorted out & straightened.


Litter is sporadic – Peter is keeping on top of it.

Footpaths & parking at the Outdoor Centre & Smithy Cottage corner:-

Letters have been sent out to residents by PSCO regarding the parking issues around the village.  BPC need to keep asking the Police to monitor.

Footways Clearance:

A49 clearance – MH mentioned the CWAC volunteering scheme.  Beeston Young Farmers & others are keen to help. Insurance is the issue for volunteers. Works will need prior CWAC approval.  MH has asked about the insurance position of the farmer who already carry works on the highway, hedgecutting etc.  Awaiting replay from CWAC. Ask MJ to help with progressing this matter.  DS has uploaded photos to CWAC and reported issue.


DW stated that CWAC should be challenged as to what their plans are for putting in better drainage for all the increased rainfall. Drains need to be cleared on a more regular basis.  Keep reporting issues to Highways.

Roadside Hedges:

Hedge opposite Castleside Farm- cutting has now been completed.

TP will plant crocus bulbs around the village. 

Chair Chair ongoing
15. Outdoor Centre sale of building:-

No further update from September meeting.  It has been sold with current planning permission for educational purposes.

Chair Chair ongoing
16. School Transport in the area:-

MH has lodged a further FOI appeal, requested a copy of the review of the safe walking route review.  RT said that there has been a further appeal and a request to the Ombudsman.  CWAC are not moving at all on their decision and state that the work to the Red Fox traffic lights has enabled a safe walking route to school.  MJ and parents affected are still requesting a review on the current decision.

Chair RT ongoing
17. 80th Anniversary of the D Day celebrations 6th June 2024:-

DW reported back that it was a successful event. Ticket sales were an issue as English Heritage would only allow 200 to be reissued, and there were locals who wanted to attend, but couldn’t.  DW thanked RT for her help with the event and Tarporley School art department.  Village Hall hosted a good afternoon.  DW feels that there is a huge problem with communication within the parish and lack of engagement from locals.  DW is now applying for the CWAC grant of £548 to help pay for costs for the day.  Thank you certificates to be completed & sent out.

Chair DW 26/11/24
18. VE DAY 80 8th May 2025:-

Discussion as to whether BPC need to engage in this event next year.  The Castle manager is keen to host and lead this event and BPC are happy to support.

Chair DW 26/11/24
19. Poppies – November 2024:-

All poppies have been collected from Remembrance Day.


Chair Chair 26/11/24


20. Christmas decorations 2024:-

MH has requested a Christmas Tree from the estate and help from Mrs Haydock with the village sign decorations. 

Chair Chair 25/12/25
21. To discuss Police Commissioner’s community funding projects & whether applicable to BPC– see link:-

MH asked whether there were any projects that BPC would like funding for.  All Cllrs need to review and put forward suggestions by the February application deadline.  Perhaps Neighbourhood Watch?  Suggestion of a leaflet drop to all residents to canvas their ideas. DW suggested an IT help drop-in session.  AE & DW to coordinate a village walk around to gauge residents’ reactions.

Chair DW February 2025
22. Clerks Report:-

Re-adoption of Council Standing Orders

Clerk stated that current standing orders need to be readopted.  Proposed by DW and seconded by TP. 

Clerk Clerk 26/11/24
23. Financial Matters:- payment of accounts

·         Setting of Annual Precept for financial year beginning April 2025 – March 2026

Precept applications will be due by the end of January 2025.  Budget/Actual has been forwarded to all Cllrs. 

·         Annual review of Clerk’s salary

Calculation of National Pay increase recommendations from NALC has been forwarded to MH and Cllrs.

It was agreed by all Cllrs that the hourly rate be reviewed to £14.13 which is £735 per ¼.  proposed by TP and seconded by AE.  To be backdated to 01/04/24

·         Annual review of Litter picker costs.

To be deferred to March 2025 meeting.


Current balance 15/11/24 – £6,713.83

Payment of outstanding invoices:-

·         Clerk fees – HMRC & Payroll services – update – now 1/4ly from payroll provider

·         Litter picker fees  – deferred

·         PBVR hall hire cost –  £25

·         Clerks annual Expenses – £197.07






24. Date of meetings for 2025: –   

Tuesday 4th March 2025 TBC

Wednesday 21st May 2025

Wednesday 3rd September 2025

Tuesday 25th November 2025


 Clerk  Clerk 26/11/24
25. Agenda items for next meeting: – none Chair Chair 26/11/24

Meeting closed at 21.05.hrs