Minutes of held on 28th May 2024 @ 7.15pm at Peckforton & Beeston Village Rooms

Present:- Mike Harrison Chair (MH), Rachel Thirlwall (RT), (DW) Andrew Evans (AE), Tom Platt (TP) Andrew Haydock (AH), Mrs Helen Exley (The Clerk), Mike Jones (MJ) Ward Councillor

Parish members: one member.

Point Agenda point Raised By Action Due Date
1. Apologies: Daphne Weedall (Vice Chair)  – holiday   Clerk N/A 28/05/24
2. Declaration of Councillors interests & Code of Conduct:

RT – School Transport (point 18)

 Chair All Cllrs 28/04/24
3. Approval of Minutes & Outstanding Matters:-

Please see attached checklist for outstanding matters:-

Minutes of the meeting held on 12/03/24 were proposed as correct by AH and seconded by RT




All Cllrs 28/05/24
4. Open Forum:-

Question asked regarding the future of the Outdoor Centre – this will be covered later in the agenda.

Public   Chair


5. PCSO James Dingsdale:- update on police matters in the area

Not present 

Chair N/A 28/05/24
6. Dave Nicholas, Beeston Young Farmers:- – 80th Anniversary plans

Dave Nicholas, Chair of 80th Anniversary celebrations, explained that the BYF are putting together a book about the last 80 years of farming in the Beeston area and the history of auction site.  The book will be available to purchase.  Many past members are contributing to the book. The YF want to assist in whatever way they can, to help the parish with maintenance & upkeep.  There will be an 80th Anniversary event on the 31st August at Castlegate Farm – all welcome, tickets can be purchased at a later date.  The members are very keen to be involved locally. DN also explained that he was travelling to Normandy to lay a wreath of behalf of BYF and would like to include BPC on the wreath as well. All councillors agreed to this request and thanked DN.

BYF could possibly help with the D Day celebrations at the castle.  

Chair BYF ongoing
7. Bridget Cafferty, Parochial Charity – update

Not present – will hopefully attend the September meeting.

Chair N/A Sept 2024
8. Beeston & Tarporley Station re-opening:- Update from Chris Willcocks

Not present 

Chair N/A Sept 2024
9. Ward Councillor Update:- 

All points will be covered within the agenda.

MJ Clerk 28/05/24
10. Wild Boar:-

Question raised by AE about the cutting back of the trees – who has given permission?  There are no TPO’s on the trees, so owners are entitled to prune back trees as they see fit to do so.

Chair Clerk ongoing
11. Cattle Market Development:-

·         Flooding from the field behind the development – the tenant has been contacted and this is now being addressed.

·         Waiting on Highways to move existing signage so that SIDs can be placed in correct location.

Chair Chair ongoing
12. Planning Matters:_

Current applications

24/00981/REM – Reserved matters application for permanent rural dwelling associated with the mixed agricultural and equine

24/00907/DIS- Discharge of conditions 12 (lighting) and 18 (Noise) of planning permission 22/02622/FUL

24/00667/FUL- Single storey front extension to include solar panels, replacement porch roof canopy, replacement rear balcony, ground source pump, landscaping

Past applications

24/00302/LDC – Golf House, Whitchurch Road – Existing use of land as garden land in excess of 10 years in continuous use – Approved

24/00140/DIS -Renards Whitchurch Road Beeston, Discharge of Conditions 3 (Materials) 9 (Lighting) 12 (CEMP) 13 (Contaminated Land) 14 (Drainage) 15 (Landscaping) and 16 (Ecology) of 22/04676/FUL

23/04018/FUL-Lower Rock Farm Tattenhall Lane – Proposed formation of a disabled entrance and porch to existing holiday let cottage A/D

23/03786/NMA – Wild Boar Hotel –Non-Material Amendment to 22/02622/FUL Approved

23/03763/FUL -Former Beeston Cattle Auction Site Whitchurch Rd -Erection of a new community shop (Use Class E) and 3 apartments (all affordable), 5 bungalows and 8 dwellings with associated landscaping, parking and biodiversity area A/D

22/02622/FUL – Wild Boar Hotel – discharge of various conditions A/D

23/02610/FULLower Rock Farm Tattenhall Lane – change of use of small barn A/D

23/02038/S73  -Land To The West of Lower Rock Farm Tattenhall Lane – erection of 1 dwelling for equestrian staff. Approved

23/02036/S73  – Stables At Horse Shoe Cottage – erection of 12 stables & menage Approved

22/04583/DISp – Beeston Castle Auction – discharge of conditions on planning 13/04149/OUT

22/02508/FUL – widening of access for above works A/D

22/00453/LBC – Yew Tree Farm, Moss Lane, conversion of redundant building into residential – A/D

21/02945/FUL – Mill Farm, Whitchurch Rd, CW6 9NJ – conversion of outbuilding to domestic annexe A/D

22/03815/OUT-Land At Crimes Lane Beeston Chester Approved

   It is expected that councillors familiarise themselves with these applications prior to the meeting.

·         CWAC consultation completed – commenting on potential development locations and adding others.

·         Walkman’s Lodge – no comment required.

·         Planning sub-group report – no other matters discussed since the last Parish Council meeting. 

Chair Chair ongoing
13. Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2030 Review

MH has written to Tiverton PC regarding the NP stating that BPC were considering a review of the plan and as it was a joint plan, what was their   response from TPC was that it would be discussed at their next meeting.  There has been a lot of changes in their PC recently with new councillors coming on board.  MH has suggested that a subgroup be formed between the 2 councils to review the NP.  MJ agreed that this would be a positive way forward due to the imminent changes in planning laws and the imminent General Election.

Chair Chair ongoing
14. Lake Vyrnwy Aqueduct Maintenance works update:-

MH has spoken to the UU contact who stated that the works are on schedule, with the works around Moss Lane taking place over the next few months. 

Chair Chair ongoing
15. United Utilities Parish legacy projectupdate

The wild flower Project on A49 is not viable due to the  cost.  However the CWAC footpath officer has been in contact to state that Tattenhall PC are converting all stiles to gateways to make all paths more accessible.  There are 3 footpaths that connect to Beeston footpaths.  Tattenhall have offered to convert these stiles for Beeston, So BPC have received £450 to pay for this.

MH suggested that UU could fund the changing of all the stiles to gates within the parish.  All footpaths are being currently walked and photographed and catalogued and a report has been sent to the Footpath Officer with the findings. MH is going to calculate how much money there is from UU and see if CWAC have any gates stored that we can use and then calculate how many can be installed with the associated costs.  The Footpath Officer is very keen to proceed with the project. It is anticipated that all stiles can be converted.  It will be a lasting legacy from UU to the community. 

Chair Chair ongoing
16. Highways:-

Beeston Speeding on A49:– Police have been checking speeds (MJ) Dragons teeth have now been painted on the road.

Beeston Speed limit – installation outstanding works:-  Now paid for. Extra 30MPH terminal sign now installed on Tattenhall Lane.

Litter any issues: no issues.  Peter has reported that the litter isn’t as bad at the moment.

Footpaths – parking at the outdoor centre & Smithy Lane corner:- The PSCO have been notified about this issue.  Clerk to email again that the weekends are the main issue for poor parking on the pavements around the castle.  Request that the police have a presence at bad times.

Footways Clearance: – Perhaps the YF could help with the clearance project of the footpaths.  MH to contact Dave Nicholls

Roadside ditches, verges and drains:- Drain near Tabernacle Cottage has filled again. Highways are aware of the issues. Concerned about the imminent cycle race 7th June and the state of roads.  CWAC need to be made aware of this.

Dog fouling:- AE request for signage. Home Farm area is bad.  The Clerk suggested that a washable fluorescent spray paint be used to highlight it.  Stickers were suggested to be put up on posts, but not all agreed, as it is unsightly.

Footpaths- replacement of stiles with gates FP27 &28 (see 15 above)

Footpaths – Electric fence blockage on Beeston FP8 – resolved.  There is now a gate.

Recent correspondence from a resident about a loose manhole cover on the A49 and the noise – MH contacted Highways, and this has now been resolved.

AE stated that there used to be a height sign at the bottom of Dean Bank – MH will request Highways to see if one can be installed.

Chair Chair ongoing
17. Outdoor Centre sale of building:-

Now for sale on the open market.  MH met with CWAC representative and stated that the bus shelter and parish board are NOT included in the sale as they are the possession of BPC.  Also looked at the glass partitions inside, and if the property is to remain in educational use, then the glass can be saved within the building, otherwise they need to be removed.

Several of the interested parties are looking at it for educational needs.

Other interested buyers are looking at it for commercial requirements.

MH stated that the building fabric is in good order, including a lot of local memorabilia & photos.

Several more viewings to take place at the end of June.

Progress updates will be given to councillors.

Chair Chair ongoing
18. School Transport in the area:-

RT said that she has received an apology from CWAC about the delay in the review process. CWAC are walking the route to see if it is viable as a walkable route (Moss Lane & Dean Bank).  Requests for information have been denied even though a request has been made with Freedom of Information Act.  CWAC will not release any documentation until a report is made.

RT has also written to the official Ombudsman who said that a formal procedure needed to be followed with the complaint.

MJ has asked for all correspondence to be sent to him from RT.

MJ suggested that we contact the ICO for information.  Tiverton residents have also logged complaints with CWAC.

Chair RT ongoing
19. 80th Anniversary of the D Day celebrations 6th June 2024:-– Update from DW

Draft programme has been done with a timetable of events for the evening, procession to the top, readings, piper at the top, beacon lighting etc.

Requests for tickets with an approximate figure of 200 tickets required.

Beacon lighting safety certificates have all been given to the Castle. Timings of the beacon to be taken up to the top. TBC and who will be taking it up.  TP to sort this with the castle directly and Peter Bull – Castleside Farm.

Chair DW 6th June
20. Clerks Report:-

No updates to give outside the agenda.

Clerk Clerk 28/05/24
21. Councillor Vacancy:-

The Vacancy has been advertised and David Stewart was co-opted onto the Parish Council.  MH welcomed DS onto the Parish Council. 

Chair Chair 28/05/24
22. Request for increased meeting frequency – AE

Requested an increased frequency of meetings.  MH stated that all information is communicated outside of meetings, when needed. If there is a need to call additional meetings, they can be arranged.  It was agreed that the current number of meetings will continue. BPC is a very small council and additional meeting frequency is not seen as necessary.  Planning meetings take place outside of the quarterly meetings already. 

Chair N/A 28/05/24
23. Financial Matters: -payment of accounts

Signing off the annual accounts 2023/24 by the Chair & Clerk. Account Inspection notice to be put on the noticeboard and website. Accounts to be added to the website.

·         Clerk fees                         deferred

·         Litter Pickers fees            deferred

·         PBVR hall hire cost            £25.00

·         Insurance *                      £239.20

·         CHALC Fees                     £80.94

*Insurance is 2nd year of 3 year deal.





24. Date of meetings for 2024: –    10th September, 26th November  Clerk  Clerk 28/05/24
25. Agenda items for next meeting: – none Chair Chair 10/09/24

Meeting closed at